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Birthing with Purpose Doula Services offers lactation services from a Certified Lactation Counselor who provides both in-person and virtual services in order to plan for breastfeeding and to cross some of the early hurdles that some mothers face in the initial weeks of nursing their little ones. Realizing the need for increased breastfeeding rates, World Health has recognized breastfeeding as a public health priority and exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for the first six months of a child’s life.


Did you know that giving any amount of breastmilk to a baby can be beneficial to both mom and baby? Not only is breastfeeding cheaper, but it also reduces a child’s chances for developing allergies, is better for digestion, and decreasing chances of developing serious health conditions such as obesity and diabetes later in life.


Breastfeeding is also beneficial for mothers as well as it reduces the risk of several types of cancer, but it also assists in reducing the size of mom’s uterus as well as assists with helping mom return to her pre-pregnancy weight.


Having the support of a Certified Lactation Counselor can help bring answers to the following questions:


  1. How do I know if my baby is getting enough milk?

  2. Why are my nipples so sore after breastfeeding?

  3. When should I start pumping milk?

  4. Is it okay to give my baby a pacifier in the first few days after birth?

  5. Should I start a milk stash for when I return to work? How much should I stash?

  6. My baby will only latch onto one breast. What should I do?

  7. My breasts feel warm and I have a fever. Should I go to the hospital?

  8. My supply seems to be decreasing. What should I do to boost my supply?

  9. My baby won’t latch at all, but I have expressed milk. Do I have to introduce a bottle?


Costs of Services

  • Full in-person and virtual support included with all doula services at no extra cost

  • In-person Lactation Assistance: $25.00/HR

  • Virtual Lactation Assistance: $20.00

  • Six weeks of extensive around-the-clock support: $200.00


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